RIP 2014 - You Were A Very Good Year
At no point was 2014 predictable or easy, and at some points I found it to be one of the most challenging & difficult years to date. Ultimately it turned out to be one of the best years I've ever had.
I changed jobs going from 2U to Emoderation, and work with some of the brightest people in the world doing some really game changing things worldwide. I loved teaching two new & different courses at Syracuse University. I've traveled more this year than in the last few years and was reunited with some of my absolute favorite people scattered across the globe and met new & wonderful friends. There were lots of concerts and lectures, conferences and events. I spent time educating myself on health & finance to be better in the future and have already made significant lifestyle changes in these areas. And the year ended in such a sweet way taking me by surprise that I can't wait for 2015 to get started. I have not taken a second of it all for granted.
As you can tell I love the idea of New Year's Eve. Thinking back on a year, getting closure, and waking up tomorrow with a fresh start is invigorating. For all who were a part of my life this year - Thank You. I wish you all the best & the happiest New Year. Here's to 2015!!