Reconnect With Your College Self

There is one tradition that almost every high school and college across this country takes part in.  It may occur at different times of the year, and may or may not revolve around a sporting event, but it's the same no matter where you come from.   It doesn't matter if you moved 15 minutes away from where you group up or went to school, or if you moved 15 hours away.   There is always that wonderful feeling of Homecoming.  The word itself even gives off a happy feeling because it makes you think of just that - a place you once called Home.  That particular word makes you identify with your roots.

Homecoming is a ritual that gives a person the chance to reconnect with a time in their life that was full of promise, full of possibility.  It's an act that allows old friends or long lost connections to once again meet and enjoy each other's company and catch up.

There's a feeling of nostalgia that happens, and makes a person take stock of their life. January 1st is not the only time in the course of a year to make plans and start fresh.  Homecoming is a perfect time to look around and remember who you were and what you had planned for yourself when you were 18 and thought you knew everything about the world.

Would your 18 year old self be happy with the modern day version?

When you started college where did you see your life going?  What groups were you actively involved in?  What were the classes that shaped your existence?  Did you think you would be where you are and what you're doing at this very moment?

It's weird, but in the 6.5 years I've been out of school, I've come full circle - almost literally.  I majored in speech communication, but went off to NYC and worked in music.  Traveled Asia for another 2.5 years and now have found myself back in Syracuse, which was the city it all started in.  As Homecoming is next weekend, and my friends will be returning, it'll be odd that this is home for me and a vacation for them.  However, the sentiment is still the same as this is a time of reflection, reconnection, & re-evaluation.  My Alma Matter may have changed the actual word of "Homecoming" to something that carries very little weight & meaning and borders on nonsensical, but the idea of coming home is alive and well with its Alumni.  Because of the connections, the network, and the opportunities available, my 18 year old self is pretty OK with where things are right now.

How about you?