Eat Your Serial.

I rarely plug anything on this blog.  I like to think of this as a space more of my commentary and advice about goings on in the job searching world, Gen Y circles, and social media stuffs. You know - that whole "branding" thing that's all the rage these days.  But as this is my personal blog afterall, from time to time I think it would be ok to actually let you know about something I'm actually doing.  And if it isn't... well, not sure what to tell ya.   What's the thing I really need to share with you?   It's the little start-up that could called Eat Your Serial.

Did you click on that link?  Were you curious?  Could you NOT wait for me to explain?  Excellent. 

Were you hedging your bets and expecting me to explain it here first?   You lazy sonofa.... 

Well, the lazy ones win - because that link only brings you to a giant "COMING SOON!" sign.  And that doesn't necessarily help you, does it?

What IS it?
Eat Your Serial is a new web start-up company, that will be launched this fall.  The overall goal of the site is to promote authors - and do it at no cost to the author themselves.  Yes, we're talking free promotion for anyone that can write a coherent and entertaining story in any genre - fiction or non-fiction.

We recently held our first public event in New York City at Paladar on the Lower East Side, and it was a raging success.  It was a bit of a fundraiser for us as we are a startup, but mostly we just held a party to tell people about what we were.  We gave away door prizes, had two kegs of Brooklyn Ale, and about 60 people showed up to show their support.

How Do You Become Involved?
If you're a writer we want you.  Always and Forever.   Anyone who has a book that they're trying to promote, or if they want deadlines to get their book finished - we're perfect for you.  Each week a new chapter gets published on line, and by the end of 12 weeks, or 20 weeks, or whenever you finish - you have this finished book with a built in audience who will want to buy your book from EYS' site.  AND the best part is, you're free to shop it around to publishers after that!

I'm pretty stoked about this project.  Has potential to really launch some amazing writers that might not have had a shot otherwise.  We're pretty active on the blog, twitter, and facebook, so get at us there too.

Want to Support This Idea?  (The Answer is YES!)
The BIG thing, is that we ARE on and providing some pretty nifty rewards if you donate to us and get us... um... started.   But don't take my word for it... our video explains it all, and is the ONLY place you can see it and it's awesomeness.