Phone Interviews - Blessing or a Curse?

I have two of them lined up today. This might sound real egotistical - but I like to think I rock interviews. I'm a people person - and I go in prepared, lookin' sharp, tons of questions ready to go if needed, loads of fantastic life stories that demonstrate and entertain - really? I got this. You're gonna want me. (How's that for confidence?)

Phone interviews are even more awesome, right? You don't have to leave your house, you can do them in your pajamas, and they're probably a bit shorter. Wrong.

A phone interview is a whole other story. I get SUPER nervous to the point of shakey hands! Why? It's 100% the lack of visual cues. In a face to face interview, a reaction warrants more or less talking. Nonverbal communication is key - the person can be sitting there eyes focused on you waiting to hear everything coming out of your mouth. They're taking notes and you can sometimes SEE those notes. They're nodding in affirmation or smiling if you hit something they want to hear. Or the opposite - you see them losing interest and you can change gears. You can sit there and keep eye contact, and mimic their behavior to get them to like you. ALL of that disappears on the phone.

I tend to talk faster on the phone, so I have little post its around my computer monitor that say, "SLOW DOWN." I also keep notes in front of me, of keywords for the job description, or the things I want to make sure to get across becaue for some odd reason my mind goes blank in these situations. I ramble because no one's there to cut me off.

And the kicker of this all - I have an iPhone, which uses AT&T. My town does not yet have 3G, so I am at the mercy of Edge and there can be weird delays in conversations, so when on the phone with friends we laugh at the fact that we're saying things at the same time - but on a phone interview? Could be deadly.

IF you have the option - use a landline. I don't because my parents are too clued in to technology for their own good.

Remember that bit about the Pajamas? Well - yea, you COULD do it this way, but are you at your best? Maybe, maybe not, who am I to judge? Some people feel that they're more professional feeling and put their best self forward when they've dressed up a bit, even in a phone interview. Me? I'm a pajama person if I can help it. What I DO recommend however - clean yourself up a bit, brush your teeth, comb your hair, ya know the basics. Also, clean your desk space of all clutter. Put your computer on mute or even shut it down momentarily if you can. Put your notes, your resume, the job description, whatever else you need all in front of you or within reach.

And just try to be yourself, and listen closely to their verbal cues. Prepare the same way you would for a regular interview.

A resume is to get the phone interview.
The phone interview is to get the interview.
The interview is to get the 2nd interview.
The 2nd interview is for the job.

or something like that.... happy phoning friends!
Jenn PeddeTips2 Comments