Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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How Do YOU Make Decisions?

2010 has gotten off to a fantastic start for a lot of people. My friend Megan (who I spoke of in an earlier post) has 7 interviews lined up this week, and I have a few other friends that are so busy in their job search that we're all feeling pretty optimistic. The twittersphere is all ablaze with job opportunities, and webinars, and tips and helpfulness that it really is an exciting time right now. People once again have options for work.

Let's skip past all that good stuff though... I have two phone interviews lined up tomorrow and then that temp to hire opportunity upcoming that hypothetically speaking - if all goes well, and I were to get offers - how in the world will I make decisions? Seaching is easy. Interviewing's a fun challenge. Figuring out what I really wanna do? Impossible - I'm a jack of all trades.

My birthday is October 8 (presents are always welcome) and that means I am 100% smack dab in the middle of my astrological sign - Libra, otherwise known as, The Scales. I can balance absolutely everything, and run my way around rationalizing almost anything - I kid you not. This is in turn leads to probably being the world's worst decision maker when it comes down to certain things. I'm also really easy to please about 95% of the time too, so once a decision is made - I'm probably gonna be pretty happy with. So when it comes to making big decisions, I ask no less than 17 of my closest friends and hear their opinions over and over before I know which is the right path. Oddly enough - when I chose to move to Korea for a year (that turned into 2.5 years) almost all of my friends thought I was crazy, so they're not always reliable.

When it comes to jobs for me, I'm a typical Gen Yer. I want flexibility. I want professional development. I want a great environment. I want to travel (be it for work or just plenty of vaca time off). Money enough to live decently and not in poverty. But if those needs are met and I've got a couple of offers on the table - maybe I'll just pick a piece of paper out of a hat?

How do you make decisions? Do you put together a list of pros and cons? Do you make a list of must haves vs. would like to haves? Do you put a company logo picture up on a wall and throw a blindfolded dart? Flip a coin? Ask an 8 year old? Write blog posts?