Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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Who Should I Donate to For #Movember?

You may have become painfully aware in the past 30 days of an increase in dudes walking around looking like porn stars, police officers from the 70s, and men who shouldn't be allowed within 100 feet of a playground.  Fear not ladies, these looks aren't here to stay, they're only apart of something called "Movember."

Every year men across the globe grow out their facial hair and take the public ridicule of looking like unfortunate members of society in order to raise money for charity. If you take a look at the Movember website, it tells you that they are a "moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health."  There are a few rules involved with growing a stache, including the fact that you cannot have a beard, and you must sport that 'stache proudly.

I've always had more male friends than female friends (and I was a bit of a tomboy as a kid), and love all of the awesome gentlemen in my life.  The guys below are either social media colleagues/friends, friends from teaching abroad, old friends from Syracuse, or even my "fiance" (depending on who you ask).  Regardless -- they're all pretty damn amazing.

The Deal and How You Can Help

  • I want to donate to all of these amazing guys, who for the past 30 days have been looking ridiculous, but I cannot afford to donate to all of them and I need you to help me choose one.  
  • I am going to donate money to one lucky guy Wednesday night, and I want you to tell me, in the comments below, who has the absolute best, most ridiculous moustache?  I don't think I have a favorite.
  • Leave comments here, on Facebook or in Twitter @'s, and I'll count them up and announce the winner at 11:30pm EST Wednesday Nov 30th. 
Your gentleman choices are Options 1 - 10.  Choose!

Option 1 -  Patrick Johnson  (New York)

Option 2 - David Spinks (New York)
Option 3 - Sheldon Levine (Toronto)
Option 4 - Drew Lederman (Saudi Arabia)

Option 5 - Simon Corvan (Australia)
Option 6 - Mike Fraietta (New York)
Option 7 - Jamie Garantziotis (Australia)
Option 8 - Nick Rovisa (New York)
Option 9 - Hamish McGregor (China)
Option 10 - Manoj Parameswaran (Minneapolis)

Option 11 - Kevin Haughwout (New York)

Option 12 - Rory Ellis (Texas)
If you would like to donate to any of them personally please go to , select their country/region on the map (I've listed them above) and search for their name.   Their movember profile page will come up along with other ridiculous pictures of themselves over the past 30 days.