Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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All Online Profiles are NOT Created Equal.

People, people, people.   You don't even need to read the rest of the post.  Hell, I might not even write more after this next sentence.... 

Just because you CAN link all of your online profiles does NOT mean that you should.  

Alright - well, if I need to clarify,  I will.

There are hundreds of tools out there that simplify your life.  For example, Tweetdeck allows you to post to twitter, facebook, foursquare, linkedin.   That's pretty great right?   Yes.

There are programs that allow you to send your tweets to Facebook if you use "#fb" in your tweet.  Linkedin does the same if you use "in."  And so on and so forth.

Having the choice to select specific tweets is more than ok.  Sometimes it's very useful and somewhat necessary to save time.   But don't abuse the privilege. 

What does that mean?

It means, each platform has a specific audience and a purpose.  Facebook tends to be your pre-social media friends, twitter are your new professional connections and interests, and LinkedIn is where your professional network exists.  Some people blur the lines of all, and while I don't generally recommend that, I get how it can be hard not to.

Regardless of how you use everything - The first and foremost rule is -> Do Not.  Do Not.  Do NOT Link Twitter & Linkedin updates.   

But why?

Well, because Linked In is for all intents and purposes your go to online resume.  It should showcase you in the best possible light.   Provide a little background into your career, your current situation, and your goals.   A status update should only happen about once a day, at most, and it should be something very specific to your overall goal/adding value to your current industry.  Something that demonstrates you might be an industry leader.

Twitter on the other hand is meant for engagement.  Conversation and discussion happens freely in 140 character tweets throughout the day.  You send messages (@'s) to your followers, and sometimes you tweet out random things about your day, "Saw Inception today!  What a crazy thought provoking movie.  What did you think?"    While that's a fairly decent tweet to chat it up with those you know, no one on Linked In should be bothering with that. 

You forget that LinkedIn is full of recruiters, and people that could potentially hook you up with a job - even if you're not actively looking.   You want to remain "personally mysterious."  Think of it like a first date - you don't want to be all crazy and show all of your quirks and intricacies for a first impression, right?   You want to save some for a second date. 

So do everyone a favor.  Unlink LinkedIn and Twitter.  Unlink Twitter and Facebook.  Be yourself around your old facebook friends, share pictures, be normal.  Rock Twitter with a lot of content.  Be impressive and hold back a bit on Linked In.   That's how you play the game.