Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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Just Plain Excited

When was the last time you were really excited about something you were working on? Whether you've been working for 20 years, 10 years, 2 years, or 3 months - can you remember what it was like to truly work on something you felt over-the-moon about? This feeling can come from anywhere and usually does. Maybe your company has created a new product you're jazzed about because it'll challenge you in some way. Maybe you get to take a business trip to sell something you normally don't get to sell. Or it could even be the small things, like you received 50 hits on your most recent blog post on the first day. How often do you wake up in the morning energized about the things you get to do that day?

This feeling doesn't necessarily have to be something you do for your job. It could be a project you do at home in your spare time, or a lifelong dream you've always had on the side like learning to play a certain piece of music, or writing a book. The reason people have hobbies is because they're interested in something that has nothing to do with your professional day to day life.

I subscribe to the thought that life should always be exciting and that I should be constantly improving, so having my hands in a dozen projects usually makes me feel pretty good. Whenever I'm working at a full time job I'm 100% committed and focused especially when others around me are great to work with and it feels like we're accomplishing something. But when quitting time hits, it's important to take your personal time and do the things you want to do to create a good balance between work and life.

Recently I have become a part of a team that's going to bring something unique to the interwebs** very soon. In the fall of 2009 a good friend of mine had a BRILLIANT idea to create a website that will showcase up-and-coming authors on a weekly basis through serialized fiction. Writers will now have the chance to publish their books chapter by chapter, week by week, until finished. At the end, the writers will have a completed book with an audience, that they can shop around to big publishing houses. The site design looks amazing, the stories being submitted are quality, and putting this all together with friends has been a great experience so far. It's an exciting project that I'm thrilled to be a part of and work on daily.

People have brilliant ideas everyday that go by the wayside, and then they just go on with their lives by going to work and coming home day after day after day. But imagine how thrilling life could be if you followed through with those ideas and woke up everyday eager to be doing something you really loved. Try it. Turn dreams into reality. Take the road less traveled. Don't wake up at 40 and say you wish you had achieved more of your random dreams.

** If you're interested in the project I mentioned above, we are currently looking for writers & editors & advertisers. Send me an email -, or leave a comment here to discuss. Our website is and you can follow @eatyourserial on twitter for more information as well!