Jenn Pedde / Shattered Clay

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Take My Advice. No Really, Take it, Use it.

I received some really good advice today. Useful, "You should do THIS" kind of stuff that didn't include any buzzwords. It was refreshing actually, but my first initial reaction was, "Who is this guy and why should I listen to him?"

What a stupid reaction, right? I immediately dismissed my immature knee-jerk reaction and realized that it was perfect, helpful advice. Regardless of anyone's status, profession, or amount of twitter followers good advice is exactly that, good advice.

We listen to people all day tell us really good useful things, but how often do we actually hear the message? We read twitter tips, and resume tips, and networking tips, but how often to you actually sit back and say, "Ya know, you're right. I should be doing it this way."

Basically, you could be a newbie or an expert - but your way is not written in stone. The amazing thing about this social media junk is the ability to learn from others. If you've been doing something a certain way for years, maybe a fresh perspective is exactly what you need. Be that old dog that learns new tricks. If you're brand new to something, don't burn any bridges. Don't be that generic, stereotypical Gen Y kid that has an attitude bigger than the ocean. Take people's advice if they're willing to give it.

Live and learn people, that's the whole point, isn't it?