Google is TRYING to Kill Me.
I haven't turned my computer off in a week (I heart you Mac) and the goal was made tonight to close ALL firefox tabs before going to bed. Even closed this blog's window and said, "ya know what, I'll post something tomorrow." Had every intention of settling in, unplugging, and reading a book tonight. Then... I forgot I had to do something quick in my email, I open up Gmail and BAM - my world was different - I had caught the Google Buzz.
There's that nifty little thing that said, in small letters, "Nah, continue onto my inbox" but no Social Media Maven in their right mind turns down a challenge like that! I'd take a peak for a few minutes - just to see what the um, buzz, was all about (pardon my pun).
And already, I can see why some would like it. It's clever. It pulls from Google Reader, it plays with statuses, there's commenting... it essentially took everything from Facebook and a little from Twitter and put it in your email as a tab. Smart Google.
But this goes back to why do people use Social Media? How do you make it work for you? Twitter is for quick networking, ideas, news, mainly with people you don't know at first, but then develop a relationship with, or create your brand. Facebook is for friends. It's for what has already happened and you keep up with. Linked In is Facebook for professionals. Everyone has a nook. Perfect little niche sites.
Then Google comes around. Where do you fit into this family, Google? You want a piece of the Social Media Pie. Did it do enough to make people leave FB and Twitter? No. What it did do, is give something to people who are on both but don't use them all that often, or didn't have either. It's a place for all my friends and family who I haven't been able to keep in touch with too much find their niche. It is now, a 4th mega thing I need to keep up with. Sonofab*tch.
Will I turn it off? No. It intrigues me. I'm curious. I want to learn. Do I have time for it? No. Do I want all these messages in my inbox? No. Do I see a purpose other than to compete with Twitter/Facebook? No. Did I even want the thing? No. Will I peruse and see what it does? Yes. Am I being overly negative/reluctant to change? Eh, perhaps.
And here are the two big kickers as to why I will not actively participate in Google Buzz, and will be more a casual observer of what friends do:
One, things are still too outside of Gmail for it to be effective. Have to go INTO reader, have to go INTO Picasa/Flickr. Facebook is still one all in one stop shopping. Second, there's simply too much overlap that I wouldn't know who to focus it towards. My extended family emails me... ALL of my friends... ALL of my business associates... coworkers even. Sure there are privacy settings, but is it worth it make the jump from FB? No. Twitter - well, that's a more guarded, personal brand side of me - no pictures or anything. Gmail was my safe haven. Email and my little chat. It was such a warm and happy world, and Buzz came along and crashed the party. My profile picture is a dolphin with devil horns. Is that mature, professional, and part of my personal brand? Most certainly not. But do I love that little guy? Hell yes. He's me - I'm not getting rid of him.
Plus - where's the fun in Google Buzz? Where was the grassroots Social Media campaign? Where were the invites like with Gmail and Wave? I suppose it's Social Media Development and I have to keep up with it to evolve with technology in order not to be left behind - but oy. My eyes, fingers, back, and brain do not thank you Google.
There's that nifty little thing that said, in small letters, "Nah, continue onto my inbox" but no Social Media Maven in their right mind turns down a challenge like that! I'd take a peak for a few minutes - just to see what the um, buzz, was all about (pardon my pun).
And already, I can see why some would like it. It's clever. It pulls from Google Reader, it plays with statuses, there's commenting... it essentially took everything from Facebook and a little from Twitter and put it in your email as a tab. Smart Google.
But this goes back to why do people use Social Media? How do you make it work for you? Twitter is for quick networking, ideas, news, mainly with people you don't know at first, but then develop a relationship with, or create your brand. Facebook is for friends. It's for what has already happened and you keep up with. Linked In is Facebook for professionals. Everyone has a nook. Perfect little niche sites.
Then Google comes around. Where do you fit into this family, Google? You want a piece of the Social Media Pie. Did it do enough to make people leave FB and Twitter? No. What it did do, is give something to people who are on both but don't use them all that often, or didn't have either. It's a place for all my friends and family who I haven't been able to keep in touch with too much find their niche. It is now, a 4th mega thing I need to keep up with. Sonofab*tch.
Will I turn it off? No. It intrigues me. I'm curious. I want to learn. Do I have time for it? No. Do I want all these messages in my inbox? No. Do I see a purpose other than to compete with Twitter/Facebook? No. Did I even want the thing? No. Will I peruse and see what it does? Yes. Am I being overly negative/reluctant to change? Eh, perhaps.
And here are the two big kickers as to why I will not actively participate in Google Buzz, and will be more a casual observer of what friends do:
One, things are still too outside of Gmail for it to be effective. Have to go INTO reader, have to go INTO Picasa/Flickr. Facebook is still one all in one stop shopping. Second, there's simply too much overlap that I wouldn't know who to focus it towards. My extended family emails me... ALL of my friends... ALL of my business associates... coworkers even. Sure there are privacy settings, but is it worth it make the jump from FB? No. Twitter - well, that's a more guarded, personal brand side of me - no pictures or anything. Gmail was my safe haven. Email and my little chat. It was such a warm and happy world, and Buzz came along and crashed the party. My profile picture is a dolphin with devil horns. Is that mature, professional, and part of my personal brand? Most certainly not. But do I love that little guy? Hell yes. He's me - I'm not getting rid of him.
Plus - where's the fun in Google Buzz? Where was the grassroots Social Media campaign? Where were the invites like with Gmail and Wave? I suppose it's Social Media Development and I have to keep up with it to evolve with technology in order not to be left behind - but oy. My eyes, fingers, back, and brain do not thank you Google.